New Bridge Horizons

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SHARP – School Help And Report Page

Welcome to our SHARP!

This is our dedicated webpage on e-safety. We want our learners to be able to use different technology in school but to make sure everyone is safe and always respected. Below is our e-safety rules poster which is displayed in all our classrooms. 


We promote and teach online safety in a wide range of ways. We deliver a broad curriculum covering the many areas of e-safety which are appropriate for each of our learners. We adopt a whole-school approach in educating our learners and are responsive to any issues that arise and ensure parents and children are supported. We do regular follow up work and take part in Safer Internet Day every year. 

All our staff complete online safety training through the National Online Safety resource, and we encourage all our parents to register too where there are guides and explainer videos as well a range of training modules for parents. Please ask the school for the link to register with National Online Safety as a parent/carer.

We have our own Online Safety guide, our one-stop resource for parents and carers which brings together a wealth of information, links, and advice that we hope you will find very useful – please click here view it:
Online Safety 

If you need any further assistance with anything covered in our new guide, please email and we will do our best to help.

Parents and carers may also find useful:

  • Information from the UK Safer Internet Centre including a guide on how to set up parental controls on your home internet here
  • Lots of good advice from the NSPCC on how to keep children safe online here including their #ShareAware campaign highlighting the dangers of sharing information and images
  • The NSPCC have also reviewed a range of social networks, apps and games and produced a guide to the ones children use most here
  • A digital parenting guide produced by Vodaphone
  • Useful e-Safety advice when buying technology for young people from Childnet here
  • A website which reviews video games, films and books and gives parents guidance on their suitability for particular age groups

If you are concerned about any content, contact, or conduct online please use the link below to report a problem to CEOP.

Contact the Head of Site if there is something you are worried about.