New Bridge Horizons

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  • Everyone Learning


New Bridge Horizons is proud to be an important part of the New Bridge Group. Along with all the organisations that make up the New Bridge Group, we share the same mission, “Learning together, learning for all, learning for life,” at the heart of which is the belief that all our service users, whatever their background or ability, will be successful and valued.

We provide a stimulating, inspirational environment for everyone. Our provision and philosophies create opportunities for social development to enhance life opportunities. We are extremely proud of our centre, the achievements of our service users, the expertise, dedication and commitment of our staff, our excellent facilities and our reputation for providing outstanding care to service users from across Oldham and its surrounding boroughs.

The following principles underpin everything we offer at New Bridge Horizons:

Individual needs

The development of inclusive practice creates situations within which the individual needs of service users are met. A range of flexible responses is available to meet such needs and to accommodate their diversity. Everyone is offered quality provision with meaningful pathways for life in a stimulating and active age-appropriate environment. We provide ongoing support to develop life skills, independence and employability skills.

Valuing diversity

All service users present a rich and diverse range of strengths and needs. Social inclusion is most likely to be achieved when this diversity is recognised and regarded positively as a strength.


All service users are entitled to receive a broad, balanced, and relevant offer within a suitable peer group.


All service users are entitled to be treated with respect and are actively encouraged to make their views known so that they can be taken into account. All arrangements protect and enhance the dignity of those involved.

Collective responsibility

The principle of inclusion extends into society as a whole. Within our organisation it is the responsibility of all staff rather than the exclusive responsibility of a particular group of individuals.